Worship Service
Corporate prayer is at 9:30 AM and corporate worship is at 10:30 AM. We worship through prayer, singing, preaching, and the ordinances of baptism and the Lord's Supper.
We partake of the Lord's Table weekly
We sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs
We catechize our children with God's Truth weekly in our gathering using the 1693 Baptist Catechism
The 4th Sunday of each month, we have a fellowship meal following our corporate worship
Our corporate worship is "family- integrated", which means children of all ages are included in the gathered assembly. We believe children should be gathered with the whole body of believers to hear the means of grace in the preaching of God's Word. We livestream worship downstairs for the mothers and fathers who need to step away with their children.

Local Outreach
Christ being Lord of all, is not to simply be worshiped on Sunday, but we are to proclaim His Lordship outside the four walls of the church building. In others words, the Gospel should have feet and application!
There are multiple ways that we do this as a body of Christ at Harvest Bible Fellowship is through our outreach at local abortion facilities and through street evangelism.
Wednesday Worship​
Once a month, we gather on a Wednesday evening, as a corporate body to worship Christ Jesus.
We enjoy a time of food and fellowship. Then we assemble to sing, pray, hear preaching, and respond to God's Word.
This mid-month worship is family integrated.
Home Fellowship Groups
We have weekly home groups that meet outside of the Sunday church gathering for food, fellowship, and discussion over the Scriptures. This is a time for us, as a church family, to connect and pray for one another's needs and to talk about Sunday's sermon and/or various topics from the Bible.
One group meets in the Pendleton/Anderson area and another group meets in the Greenfield area.